Even after almost 20 years, critics still can't seem to cope with Suede's fey and effeminate image. In one of the reviews of the Brussels gig, Brett is described as an unmanly, Italian waiter, and even Mat seemed to accentuate his gay side, according to the critic… What is it that even journalists on the eve of the year 2011 still can't hide their homophobic views?
Luckily, Suede themselves were never afraid about showing their feminine side, talking about gay people they befriended, or defending gay rights or artists. They even featured on the cover of gay magazine Attitude. You couldn't imagine the likes of Oasis there. In the interview Brett and Simon try to explain all misunderstandings about them just posing as gays to grab more attention.
Brett is posing as James Dean, and Simon never looked more handsome.
Pictures by Brad Branson